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Beetlejuice 1988 Stream

Tv Guide

Haunted by Hilarious Invaders: "Beetlejuice" Shakes Up the Afterlife on Streaming

Ghostly Comedy Conundrum

Imagine being a ghost couple, peacefully haunting your former home, only to have your sanctuary invaded by an obnoxious family. This is the comical premise of "Beetlejuice," a beloved fantasy comedy film from 1988.

Wacky Bio-Exorcist to the Rescue

When the ghostly Adam and Barbara Maitland (Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis) find their home overrun by the Deetzes (Catherine O'Hara and Jeffrey Jones), they enlist the help of a wacky bio-exorcist named Betelgeuse (Michael Keaton). With his outrageous antics and signature striped suit, Betelgeuse sets out to scare away the unwanted guests.

Streaming Availability

Get ready to laugh and be spooked by "Beetlejuice" on your favorite streaming services: * Netflix * Disney+ * Hulu * Amazon Prime Video * HBO Max

